Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

The Influence of Partner’s Trust-Commitment Relationship on Electronic Commerce Strategic Planning

artikel 14
kelompok 14

Name of Group:          Taufik Margi Widodo             C1L010001
                                    Guritno Adhi Prabowo           C1L010004
                                    Aldi Desandy                          C1L010051

The Influence of Partner’s Trust-Commitment Relationship on Electronic Commerce Strategic Planning

Latar Belakang
            Pada artikel ini, mengungkap isu tentang penggunaan Electronic Commerce (EC) untuk meningkatkan rasa percaya akan sebuah hubungan bisnis. Dalam suatu hubungan kerjasama bisnis, harus mencakup internal partnership (hubungan berbagai department dalam satu perusahaan) dan eksternal partnership (hubungan berbagai perusahaan). Hubungan internal yang baik dapat membantu mencapai tujuan bisnis perusahaan. Sedangkan hubungan eksternal yang baik dapat membantu dalam pembagian risiko sehingga perusahaan tidak terlalu terbebani dan pembagian benefit. 
            Isu ini menarik karena tidak ada kebijakan atau hambatan procedural yang menjamin loyalitas dan komprehensif di IOR. Terdapat situasi jika para pihak di Inter-organizational relationship (IOR) tersebut dapat dipercaya, maka kemitraan yang lebih intim dapat dibentuk oleh kerjasama dan efektif.

Perumusan Masalah
1.      Examine the influence of partnership on the ECSP? Pada rumusan masalah ini mengkaji bagaimana pengaruh dan pentingnya partnership/kemitraan dalam meningkatkan Electronic Commerce Strategic Planning.
2.      The influence of expanding partnership arrangements on possible strategic benefits? pada rumusan masalah ini mengkaji pengaruh perluasan kemitraan untuk meningkatkan keuntungan dari startegi yang digunakan.

 Tujuan Riset
            Tujuanya adalah untuk menguji pengaruh kemitraan (trust yaitu mitra  dan komitmen) pada perdagangan elektronik perencanaan strategis (ECSP), dan manfaat strategis memperluas kemitraan.

 Manfaat Penelitian
Manfaat penelitian akan berpengaruh bagi manager puncak yang  memulai atau melakukan EC perencanaan strategis, dan para peneliti di bidang EC manajemen dan perencanaan dalam bisnisnya.

Pada artikel ini menggunakan tiga teori sebagai acuan penelitian:
1.      Two attributes of partnership: partner’s trust and commitment
Pada teori ini mengutip beberapa pernyataan dari; Morgan and Hunt (1994) proposed a commitment-trust theory that identifies three reasons why trust and commitment are key attributes . First, both trust and commitment encourage individuals to actively try to preserve relationship investments by cooperating with partners. Second, both trust and commitment resist attractive short-term alternatives in favor of pursuing the expected long-term benefits of staying with existing partners. Third, both trust and commitment view potentially high-risk actions as prudent due to their belief that their partners will not act opportunistically. a high-quality partnership must depend on establishing adequate trust and commitment between partners (Bresnen and Marshall, 2000). Only when both trust and commitment exist simultaneously (Morgan and Hunt, 1994).  Teori ini relevan karena menjelaskan tentang pentingnya kepercayaan dalam bermitra.
2.      Electronic commerce strategic planning (ECSP)
Lee et al. (2005) adopted the model to demonstrate the influence of environmental and organizational factors on the success of internet-based inter-organizational systems planning. Berdasarkan pernyataan Lee et al, tujuan dari ECSP meliputi 3 pengukuran penyelarasan ECSP, peningkatan kemampuan ECSP, dan pemenuhan manfaat strategis EC. Teori ini relevan karena dapat membantu dalam menentukan indikator penelitian.
3.      The relationship between partners and ECSP
Terdapat pernyataan, Partners can be considered as assessors who are located within the external environment and can facilitate the confirmation of planning process validity as well as influencing firm’s ECSP (Lee and Lim, 2003; Raymond, 2001). Pernyataan diatas mengungkap bahwa mitra dapat menjadi penilai dan memfasilitasi konfirmasi  perencanaan validitas proses serta mempengaruhi perusahaan dalam ECSP. Hal ini berkaitan dengan rumusan masalah yang diteliti sehingga teori ini dinyatakan relevan.

Kerangka pemikiran Teoritis dan Perumusan Hipotesis
1.      Kerangka pemikiran
pada artikel ini menjelaskan peran partnership dan proses perencanaan (planning process) dalam mencapai strategic benefit of EC sebagai output. Dalam variable partnership terdapat 2 unsur atau indicator yaitu kepercayaan diantara mitra (partner trust) dan komitmen dalam bermitra (partner commitment) yang mempengaruhi proses perencanaan (planning process). Pada variable Planning process terdapat 2 unsur yaitu keselarasan dari ECSP (alignment of ECSP) dan peningkatan kapabilitas dari ECSP (improvement in ECSP capabilities). Variable-variabel yang terkoneksi ini akan mempengaruhi apakah strategic benefit of EC berjalan positive atau negative.
2.      Hipotesis
H1. Partner trust positively impacts partner commitment.
H2. Partner trust positively impacts fulfillment of EC strategic benefits.
H3. Partner commitment positively impacts fulfillment of EC strategic benefits
H4. Partner trust positively impacts alignment of ECSP.
H5. Partner commitment positively impacts alignment of ECSP.
H6. Alignment of ECSP positively impacts fulfillment of EC strategic benefits.
H7. Alignment of ECSP positively impacts improvement in ECSP capabilities.
H8. Improvement in ECSP capabilities positively impacts fulfillment of EC strategic benefits.

Desain Riset
Pada artikel ini desainnya mengguakan survey procedure dan statistic analysis. Dalam Prosedur survey menggunakan kuisioner sebagai alat untuk memperoleh data dan analisis statistic untuk pengukuran secara matematis. Pada artikel ini kuisioner yang berhasil dikumpulkan sebanyak 166. Dan pada artikel ini menggunakan uji hipostesi.

Pengukuran variable
Variable diukur mengguankan confirmatory factor analisis yang berarti untuk mengkonfirmasikan atau menguji model, yaitu model pengukuran yang perumusannya berasal dari teori. Pada artikel ini memfokuskan pada content, convergent and discriminate validity.

Sampel dan sampling
Respoden berasal dari bermacam-macam industry sebagian besar berbasis IS department. Teknik sampling menggunakan demographic characteristics of the sample.

metode pengumpulan data
metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner dan wawancara untuk mencari data yang relevan dan reliable.

Instrument penelitian
            Pada artikel ini menggunakan instrument berupa kuisioner dan wawancara langsung

Teknik analisis
Pada artikel ini menggunakan teknik analsis berupa confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) dan uji hipotesis.

Hasil Riset
H1 menghasilkan partner trust secara positif mempengaruhi partner commitment.
H6 menghasilkan jika suatu perusahaan ingin memenuhi manfaat strategis EC, mereka pertama harus menyelaraskan strategi EC dan strategi bisnis.
H7 menghasilkan keselarasn dari ECSP dapat meningkatkan cpabilitas dari ECSP
H8 menghasilkan sebuah perusahaan yang mampu meningkatkan kemampuan perencanaan strategis kemungkinan akan mencapai manfaat strategis EC.
H2 dan H3 kesimpulannya kompleks
H4 dan H5 kesimpulannya juga kompleks karena penyelarasan/alignment ECSP dan partner-trust commitment jarang dibahas pada literature sebelumnya.

1.      Implikasi untuk praktisi
Pertama, Penelitian ini mengungkapkan "partner kepercayaan" sebagai  Faktor eksternal penting yang mempengaruhi kebijakan perusahaan dan membantu untuk menyelaraskan strategi EC dan strategi bisnis. Kedua, "komitmen mitra" telah ditunjukkan untuk menjadi mediator penting antara mitra kepercayaan dan pemenuhan manfaat strategis EC. Jadi, jika perusahaan ingin mencapai manfaat strategis, mereka harus terlebih dahulu memenangkan kepercayaan mitra melalui perilaku kooperatif, dan kemudian mendapatkan komitmen mitra.
2.      Implikasi untuk peneliti
Penelitian ini menunjukkan kebutuhan untuk memisahkan kepercayaan mitra dan komitmen dari konteks lingkungan ketika membahas pertanyaan-pertanyaan tertentu yang terkait dengan masalah lingkungan.

Keterbatassan riset
Pertama, penelitian ini menggunakan responden tunggal per perusahaan karena ini membantu mendapatkan tingkat respon yang baik. Kedua, populasi sampel berasal dari perusahaan-perusahaan terbesar di Taiwan dan  78,9 persen dari perusahaan sampel telah melakukan EC kurang dari tiga tahun.

Jika artikel ini dijadikan panduan untu judul penelitian, maka kami mengambil judul: pengaruh pengaruh kemitraan dan electronic commerce terhadap prospek UKM.

The Influence of Partner’s Trust-Commitment Relationship on Electronic Commerce Strategic Planning

resume chapter 11

Name of Group:          Taufik Margi Widodo              C1L010001
                                    Guritno Adhi Prabowo             C1L010004
                                    Aldi Desandy                           C1L010051

Managing Knowledge Chapter 11

Knowledge  management and collaboration systems are among the fastest growing areas of corporate and government software investment. The past decade has shown an explosive growth in research on knowledge and knowledge management in the economics, management, and information systems fields.

The Knowledge Management Value Chain
Knowledge management refers to the set of business processes developed in an organization to create, store, transfer, and apply knowledge. Knowledge management increases the ability of the organization to learn from its environment and to incorporate knowledge into its business processes.

Type of Knowledge Management Systems
1.      Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Management. In Enterprise content management systems help organizations manage both types of information. They have capabilities for knowledge capture, storage, retrieval, distribution, and preservation to help firms improve their business processes and decisions. Such systems include corporate repositories of documents, reports, presentations, and best practices, as well as capabilities for collecting and organizing semi-structured knowledge such as e-mail.
2.      Knowledge Work System. Knowledge network systems, also known as expertise location and management systems, address the problem that arises when the appropriate knowledge is not in the form of a digital document but instead resides in the memory of expert individuals in the firm.
3.      Intelligent Technique. Tool for discovering pattern and applying knowledge to discrete decision and knowledge domains.

Knowledge Work System
Firms also have specialized systems for knowledge workers to help them create new knowledge and to ensure that this knowledge is properly integrated into the business. Knowledge workers usually have high levels of education and memberships in professional organizations and are often asked to exercise independent judgment as a routine aspect of their work. For example, knowledge workers create new products or find ways of improving existing ones.

Intelligent Techniques
Artificial intelligence and database technology provide a number of intelligent techniques that organizations can use to capture individual and collective knowledge and to extend their knowledge base. Expert systems, case-based reasoning, and fuzzy logic are used for capturing tacit knowledge. Neural networks and data mining are used for knowledge discovery.

Knowledge Acquisition
Organizations acquire knowledge in a number of ways, depending on the type of knowledge they seek. The first knowledge management systems sought to build corporate repositories of documents, reports, presentations, and best practices. These efforts have been extended to include unstructured documents (such as e-mail). In other cases, organizations acquire knowledge by developing online expert networks so that employees can “find the expert” in the company who has the knowledge in his or her head
.Knowledge Storage
Knowledge storage generally involves the creation of a database. Document management systems that digitize, index, and tag documents according to a coherent framework are large databases adept at storing collections of documents. Expert systems also help corporations preserve the knowledge that is acquired by incorporating that knowledge into organizational processes and culture.

Knowledge Dissemination
Portals, e-mail, instant messaging, wikis, social networks, and search engines technology have added to an existing array of collaboration technologies and office systems for sharing calendars, documents, data, and graphics. Contemporary technology seems to have created a deluge of information
and knowledge.

Knowledge Application
Regardless of what type of knowledge management system is involved, knowledge that is not shared and applied to the practical problems facing firms and managers does not add business value. To provide a return on investment, organizational knowledge must become a systematic part of management decision making and become situated in decision-support systems Ultimately, new knowledge must be built into a firm’s business processes and key application systems, including enterprise applications for managing key internal business processes and relationships with customers and suppliers. Management supports this process by creating based on new knowledge new business practices, new products and services, and new markets for the firm.

Communities of practice (COPs)
Communities of practice (COPs) are informal social networks of professionals and employees within and outside the firm who have similar work-related activities and interests. The activities of these communities include self- and group education, conferences, online newsletters, and day-today sharing of experiences and techniques to solve specific work problems.

Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems
Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems are general-purpose firm wide efforts to collect, store, distribute, and apply digital content and knowledge. These systems include capabilities for searching for information, storing both structured and unstructured data, and 
locating employee expertise within the firm. They also include supporting technologies such as portals, search engines, collaboration tools (e-mail, instant messaging, wikis, blogs, and social bookmarking), and learning management systems.

Knowledge work systems (KWS)
Knowledge work systems (KWS) are specialized systems built for engineers, scientists, and other knowledge workers charged with discovering and creating new knowledge for a company.

Enterpise Contnt Management Systms
Enterprise content management systems help organizations manage both types of information. They have capabilities for knowledge capture, storage, retrieval, distribution, and preservation to help firms improve their business processes and decisions. Such systems include corporate repositories of documents, reports, presentations, and best practices, as well as capabilities for collecting and organizing semistructured knowledge such as e-mail

Knowledge network systems
Knowledge network systems provide an online directory of corporate experts in well-defined knowledge domains and use communication technologies to make it easy for employees to find the appropriate expert in a company. Some knowledge network systems go further by systematizing the solutions developed by experts and then storing the solutions in a knowledge database as a best practices or frequently asked questions (FAQ) repository

Examples of Knowledge Work Systems
Major knowledge work applications include CAD systems, virtual reality systems for simulation and modeling, and financial workstations. Computer Aided design (CAD)automates the creation and revision of designs, using computers and sophisticated graphics software. Using a more traditional physical design methodology, each design modification requires a mold to be made and a prototype to be tested physically. Using a CAD workstation, the designer need only make a physical prototype toward the end of the design process because the design can be easily tested and changed on the computer. The ability of CAD software to provide design specifications for the tooling and manufacturing processes also saves a great deal of time and money while producing a manufacturing process with far fewer problems.
Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML).
VRML is a set of specifications for interactive, 3-D modeling on the World Wide Web that can organize multiple media types, including animation, images, and audio to put users in a simulated real-world environment. VRML is platform independent, operates over a desktop computer, and requires little bandwidth.

case-based reasoning (CBR)
CBR is descriptions of past experiences of human specialists, represented as cases, are stored in a database for later retrieval when the user encounters a new case with similarnparameters. The system searches for stored cases with problem characteristics similar to the new one, finds the closest fit, and applies the solutions of the old case to the new case. Successful solutions are tagged to the new case and both are stored together with the other cases in the knowledge base. Unsuccessful solutions also are appended to the case database along with explanations as to why the solutions did not work

Fuzzy logic
Fuzzy logicis a rule-based technology that can represent such imprecision by creating rules that use approximate or subjective values. It can describe a particular phenomenon or process linguistically and then represent that description in a small number of flexible rules. Organizations can use fuzzy logic to create software systems that capture tacit knowledge where there is linguistic ambiguity.

Neural networks
            Neural networks are used for solving complex, poorly understood problems for which large amounts of data have been collected. They find patterns and relationships in massive amounts of data that would be too complicated and difficult for a human being to analyze. Neural networks discover this knowledge by using hardware and software that parallel the processing patterns of the biological or human brain. Neural networks “learn” patterns from large quantities of data by sifting through data, searching for relationships, building models, and correcting over and over again the model’s own mistakes.

Intelligent agents
Intelligent agents are software programs that work in the background without direct human intervention to carry out specific, repetitive, and predictable tasks for an individual user, business process, or software application. The agent uses a limited built-in or learned knowledge base to accomplish tasks or make decisions on the user’s behalf, such as deleting junk e-mail, scheduling appointments, or traveling over interconnected networks to find the cheapest airfare to California.